Learn The MERN Stack - Express & MongoDB Rest API
In this video, we will create a RESTful API from scratch with Node.js, Express, MongoDB and Mongoose.
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0:00 - Intro
2:41 - How a REST API Works
6:13 - Set up the Project Folder
10:11 - Initialize GIT & Commit
10:46 - Basic Express Server
12:12 - Environment Variables
13:28 - First Route
15:51 - Routes File
20:34 - Creating a Controller
24:44 - Connecting Controller Functions
26:40 - Accepting Body Data
28:41 - Error & Exception Handling
34:21 - Express Async Handler
36:46 - Create MongoDB Database
42:02 - Connect with Mongoose
47:02 - Create a Model
49:35 - Get Goals
51:30 - Create Goal
52:56 - Update Goal
55:22 - Delete Goal
Traversy Media
Traversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies including Node.js, Angular 2, React.js, PHP, Rails, HTML, CSS and much more...