Tesla driver left out in the cold due to frozen-shut door handle
Is this the cold, hard truth about electric vehicles? A Welsh hospital worker, Katie Slater, was stunned to find her Tesla car door handle frozen shut as icy conditions swept in while she was working. The EV had stopped preheating due to lack of charge, and the car's unique door design — which thwarted one carjacker with "sausage fingers" — only added to the frosty problem. Slater first tried splashing hot coffee on the handle. Eventually, pouring an entire bottle of water worked.
Read more at https://nypost.com/video/tesla-driver-left-out-in-the-cold-due-to-frozen-shut-door-handle/
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Read more at https://nypost.com/video/tesla-driver-left-out-in-the-cold-due-to-frozen-shut-door-handle/
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