CSS Grid Crash Course 2022
This crash course will teach you all of the fundamentals of CSS Grid
⭐ Sponsor: InMotion Hosting!
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0:00 - Intro
0:50 - Sponsor
1:28 - Slides
4:29 - HTML & Base CSS
7:28 - Creating a Grid
7:53 - grid-template-columns
9:16 - repeat()
9:32 - Gap Spacing
10:17 - Row Height
10:55 - grid-auto-rows
11:15 - minmax()
11:45 - grid-template-rows
13:19 - Grid Browser Tools
14:03 - Align & Justify
17:08 - Grid Column Span
18:46 - Grid Row Span
20:28 - Responsiveness
23:03 - Grid Template Areas
32:22 - Testimonials Grid Project Intro
33:40 - Testimonials HTML
37:18 - Base & Card Styling
45:40 - Grid Styling
49:52 - Media Query & Span Resets
Traversy Media
Traversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies including Node.js, Angular 2, React.js, PHP, Rails, HTML, CSS and much more...