Feature flagging with Remote Config and Google Analytics
In this third video of the Firebase Codelang series, Andrea Wu will show you how to use Firebase Remote Config and Google Analytics to confidently roll out features using feature flagging. Use Remote Config to hide the feature behind a feature flag, gradually roll it out to users, and instantaneously roll back if necessary, all the while using Google Analytics to gauge how users are interacting with the feature to enable you to make informed decisions about your rollout.
Feel free to dive right into this video even if you haven’t watched the first two!
0:00 - Introduction
1:46 - Why Feature Flagging?
2:47 - Remote Config
4:16 - Project Setup
6:32 - Remote Config: Add Feature Flag
12:14 - Feature Flag Usages
21:37 - Google Analytics: Add User Property
26:55 - Remote Config: Add a Condition
29:31 - Remote Config: Fetch Interval
31:15 - Remote Config: Percentage-Based Feature Rollout and Rollback
34:54 - Remote Config and Google Analytics: Cleanup
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