I Tested the Top Three $200 Guitars to find the BEST one for Beginners
Learn guitar at any age! https://tonypolecastro.com/?el=yt3
I think we found the best beginner acoustic guitar. I'd confidently recommend the winner to anyone who's new to learning guitar!
IMPORTANT: This video is NOT sponsored and contains ZERO affiliate links. I hate searching for things like guitar reviews only to find that there's an agenda to earn Amazon affiliate commissions or the reviewer was paid to do the review.
Here are the links to the guitars (NOT affiliate links)
Fender: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07N25S8KX
Yamaha: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00P4AEI5Y
Orangewood: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DVM5X8B
Tony Polecastro
Watch the Acoustic Tuesday Show every week at 10am! + Weekly Guitar Tips & Inspiration Hi, I'm Tony Polecastro, a self diagnosed "Acoustic Guitar Geek." If you're also an acoustic guitar geek, you're in the right place and I invited you to join us at Ton...