App Dev To Deployment - Full Stack Expense Tracker (Next.js, TypeScript, Prisma, Neon, Clerk Auth)
Let's build a full stack app with some of my favorite technologies:
Neon (Sponsor) -
Clerk (Sponsor) -
Prisma -
Next.js -
Full Code Repo:
0:00 - Intro
2:04 - Links & Docs
3:24 - Create Next App
5:58 - Layout File
7:54 - Neon Project Setup
9:45 - New Database & Role
10:56 - Neon SQL Editor Demo
14:18 - Prisma Setup & Schema
15:20 - User Model
18:06 - Transaction Model
20:19 - Generate Client & Migrate
22:25 - Database File
25:29 - Clerk Authentication Setup
28:21 - Header Component
29:35 - SignIn, SignOut & UserButton
32:29 - Save User To Neon Database
42:26 - Guest Component
44:58 - AddTransaction Component
50:48 - addTransaction Action
59:36 - Get & Validate User
1:01:47 - React Toastify Setup
1:04:08 - Save Transaction to Neon Database
1:07:53 - useRef To Clear Form
1:09:36 - Balance Component
1:11:17 - getUserBalance Action
1:15:36 - addCommas() Utility Function
1:19:03 - Clerk Dashboard Users
1:19:49 - IncomeExpense Component
1:21:26 - getIncomeExpense Action
1:27:06 - TransactionList Component
1:29:22 - Transaction Type
1:30:40 - getTransactions Action
1:34:00 - TransactionItem Component
1:38:28 - Delete Button
1:41:07 - deleteTransaction Action
1:45:07 - Commas & Decimal Places
1:47:30 - Email/Password Test
1:48:35 - Vercel Deployment
Traversy Media
Traversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies including Node.js, Angular 2, React.js, PHP, Rails, HTML, CSS and much more...