15 Reasons Why You Need To Have Haters
15 Reasons Why You Need To Have Haters
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In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:
What are 15 Reasons Why You Need To Have Haters?
What are some Reasons Why You Need To Have Haters?
Why do you need to have haters?
What are the reasons you need to have haters?
00:00 - Intro
00:35 - They bring out the emotion.
01:03 - They force you to re-evaluate yourself.
01:31 - They make you want to prove them wrong.
01:59 - They are a sign you’re doing the right thing.
02:35 - They teach you to control your anger.
03:13 - They keep you grounded/keep you humble.
03:42 - They make you cherish your individuality.
04:10 - No one will be as brutally honest as them.
04:48 - They make for good press.
05:11 - You will become more accepting of others
05:36 - They teach you how to deal with conflict
06:14 - They teach you to ignore negative influences.
06:43 - You will appreciate your victories more.
07:16 - You’ll be less wasteful with opportunities.
07:43 - They develop your character.
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