15 Practical Advice for People Under 30
15 Practical Advice for People Under 30
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In this Alux.com video we will be answering the following questions:
What is the best practical advice for someone under 30 years old?
What is the most valuable practical advice for young people?
What is the best advice you can apply under 30?
00:00 - Intro
00:30 - Losers focus on winners, winners focus on winning.
01:21 - You don’t know what you’re capable of unless you try it.
02:30 - There are no sunken costs in your 20s.
04:25 - Life is longer when you add chapters to it.
05:32 - Travel before you figure out where to ground yourself
06:51 - Don’t waste time, solving problems that aren’t yours.
07:46 - Distractions & “Shortcuts” are there to tempt the weak
08:46 - Making Money Matters. Keeping It Matters More
10:08 - Don’t be the one saying NO to yourself, Take a chance and let them answer!
11:12 - You don’t achieve goals you don’t plan for!
13:26 - You need to be reminded more than you need to be taught!
14:22 - Sample, experiment, get laid, party as every period of time has its unique window of opportunity
15:34 - You can change reality by changing the way you interact with it
17:05 - Find your crowd and in it find your best two.
17:49 - The goal is to be wealthy, not to look rich!

Get Rich Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIsxb5Mf-Pr1xHJMZPtdIX8q
Take Action Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIuhLj_V6ThqHhVN52kozybm
All Sunday Motivational Videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVItYEFKYW1WdjcHFuXt0s5h-
Book Club: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLP35LyTOQVIvGYVKBE8qEwmP-S_Z7i0lL
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