Panel Discussion: Playing Safely in the... Ram Iyengar, Ralph Squillace, Luke Wagner & Bailey Hayes
Panel Discussion: Playing Safely in the Sandbox ― Keeping WebAssembly Secure - Ram Iyengar, Cloud Foundry Foundation; Ralph Squillace, Microsoft Corporation; Luke Wagner, Fastly; Bailey Hayes, Cosmonic
WASM (WebAssembly) is rapidly gaining traction, but a comprehensive understanding of its security landscape remains fragmented. This panel discussion aims to bring together WASM experts and security enthusiasts to address this gap. This discussion will provide a valuable starting point for developers building secure WASM applications. It will also benefit WASM users by raising their awareness of potential security concerns. The discussion is expected to span the following major areas: Built-in WASM security features and limitations Security tools available for the WASM ecosystem Potential attack vectors and mitigation strategies Best practices for secure WASM development
The Linux Foundation
The Linux Foundation is a nonprofit consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux and collaborative software development. Founded in 2000, the organization sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and promotes, protects and advances the L...