Why Is Everyone Having Fewer Children? - Lyman Stone
Lyman Stone is a demographer, researcher, and a writer.
It wasn't long ago that everyone was worried about the population bomb and within a few short decades global birth rates are now declining. What's going on? What is driving such a rapid change in the number of children people are having and should we do anything about it?
Expect to learn the best explanations for why birth rates are declining, whether declining birthrates are downstream from declining marriage rates, what winning the lottery does to marriages for both men and women, Lyman's controversial perspective on the impact of sperm count and testosterone levels on fertility and much more…
00:00 Fertility Rates Over the Last Few Years
05:51 Lessons We Can Take From the 1900s
09:22 The Impact of Finances on Having Kids
16:44 Our Modern Obsession With Parenting
27:23 New Research on Universal Basic Income
37:16 How Many Kids People Want Today
43:28 Why Lyman Remains Positive
53:09 Does Marriage Have an Impact on Fertility?
59:21 Shifting Attitudes Towards Contraception
1:08:43 Political Tension in Mate Selection
1:21:30 The Future of Western Birth Rates
1:30:46 What Lyman is Studying Next
1:31:59 Where to Find Lyman
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Chris Williamson
Bonjour. I'm Chris, Host of the Modern Wisdom Podcast. Currently learning out loud with guidance from the most interesting people on the planet. You should join the cult. ...