The doctor with hundreds of children (2005) | Four Corners
This Four Corners documentary was originally broadcast as Secrets of the Fathers on 26 October 2005, on ABC TV.
The right to know versus the right to privacy, as donor-conceived children battle a secret system in the search for their biological fathers.
Twins Anne and Helen were 20 years old when they learned they had been conceived from an anonymous man’s sperm. They spent the next 20 trying to crack the mystery of his identity.
Four Corners reveals the story of the twins’ tenacious journey in search of their genetic father, and its extraordinary conclusion.
Their story calls into question the confidentiality that still 'protects' many sperm donors from being found years later by their offspring. It also highlights the failure of most states to regulate or even to monitor the donor conception industry.
Now governments are under pressure from donor-conception activists to strip away the secrecy and set up a central register, accessible only to children and parents.
Where should government regulation start and stop in the emotion-charged field of donor conception? Can a balance be struck between the rights of children and donor fathers?
02:21 – A sperm mission
03:54 – Anonymity removed
06:17 – A choice of donors
07:14 – RTAC accreditation
09:02 – Code of practice
10:50 – 20-year investigation
13:21 – Dr John Doherty
14:47 – Solving the puzzle
16:44 – Donor support group
18:52 – Locating the doctor
21:21 – A breach of good clinical practice
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