TTS & Translate App | Serverless Functions, Google Translate & Web Speech API
We will build a JavaScript web app that takes in some text and does TTS as well as the option to select a language to translate to. We will use the Vercel CLI and a serverless function fot the translation and API KEY security. Tailwind CSS for styling.
Final Code:
For more Vanilla JS projects, check out these courses:
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Modern JS From the Beginning:
50 Projects In 50 Days:
0:00 - Intro
2:22 - Project Structure
4:38 - HTML & Tailwind Classes
8:32 - Web Speech API & TTS
11:10 - Get Voices
16:20 - Language Selection
20:06 - Google Translate API Key Setup
21:29 - Vercel CLI Setup
23:57 - Creating a Serverless Function
26:57 - dotenv Setup
29:22 - Google Translate API Request
32:58 - Test Function With Postman
34:18 - Make Request To Serverless Function Endpoint
38:39 - Translate Text & Play TTS
43:21 - Deploy To Vercel
Traversy Media
Traversy Media features the best online web development and programming tutorials for all of the latest web technologies including Node.js, Angular 2, React.js, PHP, Rails, HTML, CSS and much more...