Wait, it's all just in 4/4?
Talking 11-tuplets, advanced 4/4, and Sungazer! Get Nebula using my link for 40% off an annual subscription: https://go.nebula.tv/adamneely
Watch the exclusive Sungazer Belgrade vlog:
0:00 Intro
4:21 Hypertuplets
11:17 The Language of Undectuplets
16:39 Hypertuplet Aksak
20:34 7-Eleven Polyrhythms
LISTEN TO AGAINST THE FALL OF NIGHT wherever you stream your music! Full new album out Sept 27
Come see Sungazer on tour!
Some music psychology sources
Check out Shawn Crowder’s excellent YouTube channel
Adam Neely
Video essays, lessons and vlogs on new horizons in music and music theory. NYC-based bass player and composer Adam Neely brings you a new video every Monday exploring what music means, and what it means to be a musician....