Syrian mass grave is largest uncovered since Stalin era as 100,000 bodies were discarded
A mass grave containing the bodies of at least 100,000 people tortured and killed under the brutal dictatorship of ousted President Bashar al-Assad was discovered outside Damascus, according to the head of a US-based Syrian advocacy group — who said the corpses were squished by bulldozers to “fit them in.”
Mouaz Moustafa, the executive director of the Syrian Emergency Task Force (SETF), said the regime’s victims were found in al-Qutayfah, about 25 miles north of the capital.
“One hundred thousand is the most conservative estimate,” Moustafa told Reuters of the amount of bodies he believed were dumped at the chilling site. “It’s a very, very extremely, almost unfairly conservative estimate.”
Moustafa also warned that it was just one of eight mass graves created by Assad’s fallen government.
#syria #basharalassad
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