I Tested Your Dumb Minecraft Mods
SystemZee reviews community made mods. Are your mods worthy of a 5-STAR review? From crazy mobs to wild weapons, these are your dumb Minecraft mods!
EDITED BY: @vfxraydell
0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Battle Allays by Badplay3r_pl
3:57 - Placeable Mobs by TheUnknownDad
7:48 - Yellowbross Creeper Mod by yellowbrossproductions
13:00 - Sitting+ by Salty Water
14:10 - Goety by Polarice3
17:03 - Simple Ice Creams by DariusZeBaguette
21:43 - Merchants by MinoBanana & Mercury Modworks
Want me to review your mod? Join our discord and tell us about it:
? Join My Official Discord! - http://discord.gg/syszee
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I Tested 1-Star Minecraft Mods
I Tested 5-Star Minecraft Mods
If you enjoyed this video, consider checking out I Made Villagers Build Their Own Village. Where we challenged players and villagers to see who could build the better village!
EDITED BY: @vfxraydell
0:00 - Intro
0:22 - Battle Allays by Badplay3r_pl
3:57 - Placeable Mobs by TheUnknownDad
7:48 - Yellowbross Creeper Mod by yellowbrossproductions
13:00 - Sitting+ by Salty Water
14:10 - Goety by Polarice3
17:03 - Simple Ice Creams by DariusZeBaguette
21:43 - Merchants by MinoBanana & Mercury Modworks
Want me to review your mod? Join our discord and tell us about it:
? Join My Official Discord! - http://discord.gg/syszee
? Become A Member! - https://youtube.com/syszee/join
? Follow Me On Twitter! - https://twitter.com/systemzee
? Follow Me On Instagram! - https://instagram.com/syszee
I Tested 1-Star Minecraft Mods
I Tested 5-Star Minecraft Mods
If you enjoyed this video, consider checking out I Made Villagers Build Their Own Village. Where we challenged players and villagers to see who could build the better village!
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