Queens Who Were Beyond Weird
Running brothels, LARPing as the poor, and keeping old corpses away from the ladies. Plenty of women throughout history were considered bizarre, but when you're queen, you can let your freak flag fly free.
#Queens #Royals #Royalty
Queen Mary (1867-1953) | 0:00
Empress Elizabeth (1709-1762) | 1:18
Queen Nzinga (1583-1663) | 2:22
Queen Victoria (1819-1901) | 3:07
Catherine the Great (1729-1796) | 4:21
Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) | 5:22
Valeria Messalina (17/20 AD-48 AD) | 6:24
Queen Elizabeth II (1926-2022) | 7:14
Joanna 'The Mad' of Castile (1479-1555) | 7:55
Maria Eleonora (1599-1655) | 8:45
Voiceover by: Tim Bensch
Read Full Article: https://www.grunge.com/101210/queens-really-weird-people/
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