What's Trump's agenda? | Mary Katharine Ham | Just Asking Questions, Ep. 32
Fox News commentator Mary Katharine Ham discusses Trump's new policy agenda.
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Text and links to sources available here: https://reason.com/podcast/2024/07/18/mary-katharine-ham-whats-trumps-agenda/
Where does former President Donald Trump want to take this country?
As the Republican Party coronates Trump as its presidential nominee at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, there will be a lot of talk about Trump's vice presidential pick, his dominance in the polls, and the decline of President Joe Biden. But what about policy? What is the Trump agenda? Trump's opponents implore us to fear Project 2025, a Heritage Foundation proposal that they characterize as a vengeful, authoritarian power grab. Trump himself waves that away and tends to focus more on his plans to levy tariffs on foreign goods, deport illegal immigrants, and yes, finally build that wall. Neither Trump nor the Democrats seem interested in talking much at all about our soon-to-be $35 trillion national debt, which has eclipsed our total national gross domestic product for the first time since World War II.  
To help us anticipate what an increasingly likely second Trump term might look like, and help explain how Trump 2024 is even possible all things considered, we've invited Mary Katharine Ham, a conservative political journalist and commentator at Fox News and on her own podcast Getting Hammered. We wanted to talk with her because she's Trump-critical, but also understands the conservative mind and movement as someone who's been immersed in it for years.
Note that this episode was recorded on Friday, July 12, 2024. A new introduction by Zach Weissmueller was recorded on Tuesday, July 16, contextualizing this conversation in light of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump.
Sourced referenced in this conversation:
Project 2025's Official Site https://www.project2025.org/
Joe Biden's campaign website page on the project https://joebiden.com/project2025/
Understanding the National Debt | U.S. Treasury Fiscal Data https://fiscaldata.treasury.gov/americas-finance-guide/national-debt/
Brookings Institute: Data on how the suburbs voted in 2020 https://www.brookings.edu/articles/bidens-victory-came-from-the-suburbs/
St. Louis Federal Reserve: Gross Federal Debt as Percent of Gross Domestic Product https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/GFDGDPA188S
The U.S. Justice Department Is Not Independent | The Center for Renewing America https://americarenewing.com/issues/the-u-s-justice-department-is-not-independent/
Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts on the War Room, July 2, 2024 https://americasvoice.news/video/WttAoA7Ya7L0FaN/?related=playlist
Steve Bannon on Tucker Carlson's podcast, June 11, 2024 https://x.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1800649304236859620
Rep. Thomas Massie (R–Ky.) on Just Asking Questions https://youtu.be/n6rxC0JcFPA
00:00 Context for this pre-recorded episode
02:11 Setting the Tone for the Episode
03:08 Analyzing Trump's 2024 Agenda
05:41 Key Issues for the Suburban Vote
09:03 Trump's Vice Presidential Pick
14:04 Abortion and the 2024 Election
20:58 Libertarian Appeal and Trump's Strategy
28:58 National Debt Concerns
33:24 Navigating the Political Spectrum
36:29 Project 2025
42:45 Concerns Over Expanding Executive Power
47:26 Vengeance vs. Accountability in Politics
01:01:35 The State of the 2024 Election
01:04:22 Final Thoughts and Reflections
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