What was I thinking giving this bass away?! ??? #ScottsBassLessons #SBL #BassLife #Solo
What was I thinking giving this bass away?! ??? Such a killer instrument & it was just perfect for this project! The clip is taken from the track Electron Game on The Devine King Project, Vol. 1... Alongside some of the BADDEST fusion cats around: S...   Подробнее
Scott's Bass Lessons

How to solo over a minor chord ON BASS! ⏳?

Scott's Bass Lessons
16 часов назад

Stanley Clarke's NINJA Bass Trick! ??? #stanleyclarke #ninja #bassguitar #basssolo

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 дня назад

I just pulled the neck off of my 1965 Fender Precision! ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 дня назад

BIG changes coming to our YouTube channel

Scott's Bass Lessons
6 дней назад

Henrik Linder: Time & Groove, Mastering Scales, Slap Bass and more.

Scott's Bass Lessons
7 дней назад

Who are Mohini Dey's favorite drummers? ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 неделя назад

This riff is... OUTRAGEOUS ? #nerve #jojomayer #johndavis #basseffects #bassguitar

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 неделя назад

A Practical Approach to Bass Line Creation

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

Can you guess? ? Answers in the comments! ??

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

When ZEPPELIN meets MOTOWN?! ? #jamesjamerson #motown #johnpauljones #bassguitar

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

The LEGENDARY Jeff Berlin: Jack Bruce, Walking Bass lines, Technique and more.

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

Most ICONIC slap bass line? ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

The first octave pedal in HISTORY?! ??? #larrygraham #octavepedal #mutron #basseffects

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

How to get the ROYAL BLOOD bass sound! ?? #royalblood #figureitout #mikekerr #octave #basseffects

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 недели назад

The Beginning Jazz Survival Guide for Bassists

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 недели назад

How FILTHY is THIS bass sound? ? #SnarkyPuppy #Lingus #MichaelLeague

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 недели назад

We really made Michael League squirm... ???

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 недели назад

Can you nail this finger twister? ?? #PinoPalladino #OC2 #OctavePedal

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 недели назад

The most ICONIC pedal in BASS history? ? #OC2 #OctavePedal #BassPedal #BassEffects #ScottsBassLesso

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 недели назад

Is Flea's technique BAD? ? #flea #redhotchilipeppers #slapbass #basslife #bassguitar

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 недели назад

What is GREAT bass technique? ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 недели назад

Why EVERY bass player should learn THIS bass line! ? (see description) #StevieWonder #MasterBlaster

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 недели назад

The SECRET to John Paul Jones' Bass Sound! ?? #johnpauljones #ledzeppelin #rambleon

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 недели назад

This Bass Line Is TOO Smooth… Know It? ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

Is this bass line FUNKY or NASTY?! ? #TheWhispers #LeonSylvers #Disco #Funk #BassLife #ScottsBassLe

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

How DOPE is THIS?! ?? #PlayerOfTheWeek #ScottMulvahill #DataBass #BassLife #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

Add SPICE on Your BASS! ?? w/ Billy Sheehan #BillySheehan #Bass #Spice

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

What was I thinking giving this bass away?! ??? #ScottsBassLessons #SBL #BassLife #Solo

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

Guess the Bass Line = WIN MONEY ? ??

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

The most recorded bass in history? ?? #LelandSklar #BassIcon #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

How Fast Can You Guess THIS Iconic Jaco Groove? ?✨

Scott's Bass Lessons
1 месяц назад

The 4 ICONIC Basses of Geddy Lee! ?? #Shorts #BassLife #GeddyLee #Rush

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Was this inspired by Jaco? ? #shorts

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Record your bass (at home) and get a BADASS sound ($100 - $20K)

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

This Pino Fill Is INSANITY! ? #PinoPalladino #JohnMayer #BassFill #Groove #Lick

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Don Not Sleep On THIS Bass Line! ??? #ATasteOfHoney #BoogieOogieOogie #Disco

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Only Real Bass Fans Will Know This Song! ??? #bassle #wordle #wordleforbassists #basschallenge

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Practice THIS Every Day

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

The most OUTRAGEOUS BASS I've ever bought! ?? #Fodera #Monarch #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Wait... Pino SLAPS?! ?? #PinoPalladino #SlapBass #FretlessBass

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

I found THE perfect bass (but it's FORBIDDEN)

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Greatest Bass Intro Ever?! ?? #PinkFloyd #Money #Bassline #BassPlayer #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
2 месяца назад

Our Fav Bass FX Pedals (and Preamps) of 2024

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Funkiest pop bass solo ever? ? #BrandNewHeavies #AndrewLevy #FunkBass

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

How to get THE Rocco Prestia Sound! ?? #RoccoPrestia #TowerOfPower #BassLesson

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Wah pedal... On BASS?! ? #TonyLevin #WahPedal #CryBaby #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

There is ONLY ONE Larry Graham! ?? #LarryGraham #SlapBass #GOAT

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

What if Michael Jackson hired a modern bass player?? ? #Playeroftheweek #BenAnderson

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Is the Pick the DEVILS TOENAIL? ??#Pick #BassGuitar #BassLesson #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

WTF is this time signature?! ?⏰ #EsperanzaSpalding #RadioMusicSociety #FretlessBass

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

The Pick is NOT just a HAMMER! ??‍♂️ #Pick #CountryMusic #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

GREATEST Synthpop bass line of the 80s? ?? #Kajagoogoo #NickBeggs #SynthPop #BassLesson

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

How do you get THAT SOUND?! ?? #LennyKravitz #FlyAway #FunkBass #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Sidechain Bass = SO FUN! ? #Sidechain #BassGuitar #BassLine #BassFX #Effects #Bass #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

GREATEST Beginner Bass Line? ??? #Nirvana #SmellsLikeTeenSpirit #KristNovoselic

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Fretless Monster hears VULFPECK for the First Time

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Get FUNKY with Palm-Muted Pick! ??? #Funk #BassLesson #BassLife #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

This Bass Line is Straight Up NASTY! ? #MeshellNdegeocello #PlantationLallabies #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Why pick angle MATTERS! ??? #PickBass #BassTone #SBL #BassLesson

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Forty Six & TOOL ?? #PlayerOfTheWeek #Tool #ScottsBassLessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

37 AWESOME gifts for bass players ($1 - $1000)

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Did you catch it? ? #PinoPalladino #TonyFranklin #FretlessMonster #BassHarmonics

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

These Beats Are SICK ?? #NateSmith #Beats #PocketChange #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Janek Gwizdala's ULTIMATE Pedalboard SECRETS

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Is this bass line FUNKY or FREAKY? ?

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Simple Groove? ...Think Again! ? #Maxwell #Ascension #JonathanMaron #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

It Wasn't BOOTSY?! ?? #GrooveIsInTheHeart #HerbieHancock #RonCarter

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Let’s talk about P Basses (and my Freddie Washington Obsession)

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Stank Face = ACTIVATED ??? #PlayerOfTheWeek #MonsieurTeddy #SlapBass #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Was the 90s the GREATEST ERA of FUNK? ?? #Funk #FunkBass #90s #Flea #RedHotChiliPeppers

Scott's Bass Lessons
3 месяца назад

Pro Bassist hears the Smashing Pumpkins for the FIRST time

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

WAIT... It Wasn't Chris Squire?! ? #Yes #ShockToTheSystem #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

We ❤️ THIS Bass Line! ? #Queen #JohnDeacon #CrazyLittleThingCalledLove

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

WTF is this BASS?! ??‍♂️??❓ #Queen #JohnDeacon #Breakthru #Bass #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

My Health Scare and the MADNESS that prevailed

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

How do you get THAT sound?! ⚡️? #StuartZender #Jamiroquai #FunkBass #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

P Bass + B15 = ?? ?? #FenderCustomShop #Moollon #PBass #AmpegB15 #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

This bass line = INSANITY ?? #DirkLance #Incubus #Bass #BassGuitar #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

The Hidden GENIUS of John Deacon (7 INCREDIBLE Examples)

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

The POWER of Playing SIMPLE ???? #VictorWooten #WootenWisdom #BassFundamentals #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

How to NAIL this Bass Line! (Duran Duran - RIO) ?? #JohnTaylor #BassLine #DuranDuran #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

3 Shapes Every Player Needs to Know! ?? #BassLesson #BassGuitarLessons #BassGuitar #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Using SHAPES to create INCREDIBLE Bass Lines (Noob to Badass)

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

What did he do to his BASS?! ??? #StuartZender #Jamiroquai #BassLine #ScottsBassLessons #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Can you name this bass line??? ?⬇️ #scottbasslessons #challenge #sbl #bassline #basslove #basslife

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

5 Reasons why Pino Palladino is a BADASS! ?⚠️ #PinoPalladino #BassLegends #GrooveMaster #SBL

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

The Greatest Bass Line of 1989

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

How do you get THAT sound? ?? #beyonce #bass #bassline #funkybass #basseffects #basslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Higher Ground. How to play it right! ???? #HigherGround #Flea #RedHotChiliPeppers #BassTips

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Why is Carol Kaye a BADASS bass player? ?? #carolkaye #badass #musictheory #scottsbasslessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Dangerously talented duo! ?✨ #playeroftheweek #bassist #basscover #stevelacy #groovebass #funk

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Our favorite amps & cabs in 2024

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Iron Man ?? How to play it right! #blacksabbath #geezerbutler #ironman #bass #scottsbasslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Bass + Pick = DAMN SICK ?? #basspick #pick #leonbridges #funkybass #scottsbasslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Unbelievable Bass Tone! ..From a DIAPER?! ???? #tonylevin #petergabriel #katebush #sbl #bass

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

The 'MOTHERSHIP' of Bass Pedalboards w/ HENRIK LINDER (Dirty Loops)

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

System Of A Down - B.Y.O.B ??? (How to NAIL It!) #systemofadown #scottbasslessons #sbl #basslesson

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Drumming SIDEWAYS? ...WTF? ???‍♂️ #incubus #josepasillas #dirklance #hilikus #scottsbasslessons

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

7 ICONIC Black Sabbath bass lines... as fast as possible (Geezer Butler)

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Stuart Zender: Bass lines like NO OTHER! ? #stuartzender #jamiroquai #bass #bassguitar #basslife

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Is the Bass Amp FINALLY DEAD?! (In ear monitor takeover?)

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

How do you get THAT TONE? ? #sledgehammer #petergabriel #basstone #bassfx #scottsbasslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Your sound IS your style! ?? feat. Michael League #basslesson #michaelleague #snarkypuppy #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

Why play it LIKE THAT?! ? #incubus #areyouin #dirklance #bassplayer #basslife #bass #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

This bass line = syncopation MASTERCLASS ?? #jamiroquai #stuartzender #bassplayer #basslife #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
4 месяца назад

How do you get THAT SOUND?! ?? #tonylevin #kingcrimson #scottbasslessons #sbl #bass #basslife

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

This bass intro NEEDS MORE LOVE! ?? #stuartzender #jamiroquai #scottsbasslessons #sbl #bassguitar

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

What's your bass personality? ?? #playeroftheweek #eunhyukchoi #bass #bassguitar #scottsbasslesson

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

WIN THIS BASS! (See pinned comment for details! ?) #strandberg #scottsbasslessons #sbl #giveaway

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

Can ya guess the FX pedals I'm using?? ?????? #basseffects #bassfx #scottsbasslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

WIN THIS BASS! (See pinned comment for details! ?) #fenderjazz #scottsbasslessons #sbl #jazzbass

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

The Bass GENIUS of Stuart Zender (10 ICONIC examples)

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

How do you get THAT TONE? ? #vulfpeck #joedart #stingray #basstone #scottsbasslessons #sbl

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

WIN THIS BASS! (See pinned comment for details! ?) #manne #scottsbasslessons #sbl #giveaway

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

Why Headless Basses Suck

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

WIN THIS BASS! (See pinned comment for details! ?) #fenderjazzbass #scottsbasslessons #sbl #giveaway

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад

Histories greatest invention?? ..I give you the WAH PEDAL! ? #scottbasslessons #sbl #wahpedal

Scott's Bass Lessons
5 месяцев назад