Transformers: Rise of the Beasts (2023): Scourge Kills Mirage Scene
In Transformers: Rise of the Beasts, Mirage (voiced by Pete Davidson) steps in as a protective and loyal Autobot when Noah Diaz (played by Anthony Ramos), a former military electronics expert, finds himself in the middle of a dangerous confrontation with Scourge (voiced by Peter Dinklage). Scourge, a ruthless and fearsome Decepticon leader, seeks to destroy everything in his path, including Noah and his newfound Autobot allies.
Mirage, with his quick wit and shape-shifting abilities, uses his resourcefulness to shield Noah from Scourge's brutal assault, showing both his courage and the strong bond he forms with the human. Despite being outmatched in terms of raw power, Mirage’s agility and determination allow him to outmaneuver Scourge, buying time for their escape. This scene highlights the dynamic relationship between Noah and Mirage, blending humor, action, and heroism as they face overwhelming odds together.
Movie description:
Optimus Prime and the Autobots team up with a down on his luck young man, an aspiring historian and with a powerful faction of Transformers known as the Maximals to combat a sinister force from outer space that threatens the Earth and all of mankind.
Credits: © 2023, Paramount Pictures
Binge Society is a licensed partner and shares the rights to this clip with Paramount Pictures.
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