5 Most Popular Global Street Scams
We try to help you avoid scams, but we are also scam collectors. So we asked you, our viewers, to send us the scams you came across. And this is what you got. If you filmed something interesting, please send it to us to podvudky@gmail.com 
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0:00 World Famous Scams
0:29 The Ring Scam
2:20 Fake Deaf-Mute Scam
4:52 Money Scammers
5:37 Cups and Balls
7:18 ATM
8:37 Someone Tried to Scam Me
10:01 Little Trip to Pisa
11:16 Scam Collectors
Thank you for your support!
Janek Rubeš & Honza Mikulka, Prague based journalists
We want to make sure you enjoy travelling like a local, scam-free, and explore things that are unique and actually interesting. Without the classic touristy bullshit and Wikipedia-like boring commentary. We’re the Honest Guides, Janek & Honza, Prague b...