TensorFlow Recommenders Addons
TensorFlow Recommenders Addons is a collection of projects related to large-scale recommendation systems. It leverages dynamic embedding technologies to make it easier to train, evaluate, and serve large scale models for search, recommendations, and advertising use cases. Wei Wei, a developer advocate, shares the main features, benefits, and how to use dynamic embeddings.
TensorFlow Recommenders Addons → https://goo.gle/3HEGju1
TFRA Dynamic Embedding original RFC → https://goo.gle/3hAijgZ
TFRA Dynamic Embedding Amazon Review example → https://goo.gle/3uTECBn
Amazon Digital Video Game dataset → https://goo.gle/3huv9gN
FieldWiseEmbedding implementation → https://goo.gle/3FzYRc6
Subscribe to TensorFlow → https://goo.gle/TensorFlow
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