Originalism, Obamacare, and the Libertarian Movement | Randy Barnett | The Reason Interview
Libertarian legal giant Randy Barnett on his epic Supreme Court battles, the Federalist Society, and watching movies with Murray Rothbard.
0:00- Introduction
1:05- Gonzales vs. Raich (marijuana legalization)
6:15- United States vs. Lopez (gun-free school zones)
20:11- What is Originalism?
25:40- How Barnett became an originalist
27:20- How the 9th Amendment kickstarted Barnett’s Constitutional law career
32:30- Lysander Spooner, slavery & the Constitution
38:28- Ad: Bank On Yourself
40:10- Calumet City Contrarianism
47:54- Murray Rothbard
54:50- Libertinism vs. libertarianism
57:48- A libertarian lawyer who didn’t inhale
58:48- NFIB vs. Sebelius (the ‘Obamacare’ case)
1:09:48- The Libertarian Movement’s influence
1:16:55- Ideas & the Academy still matter!
Today's guest is libertarian legal giant Randy Barnett, who has just published his memoir, A Life for Liberty: The Making of an American Originalist. Currently a law professor at Georgetown, Reason's Nick Gillespie talks with Barnett about his days as a prosecutor in Chicago, how he helped create the legal philosophy of originalism, what it was like arguing medical marijuana and Obamacare cases at the Supreme Court, and what he learned from anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard. They also discuss why he thinks the libertarian movement needs an intellectual reboot and how his working-class, Jewish upbringing in Calumet City, Illinois, remains central to his identity.
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