Tutorial: My New Rigging Workflow in Blender
In this tutorial we'll be rigging two different creatures using inverse kinematics! We'll be using a novel workflow where we make the rig first, and then add the parts later!
Get the Mechanical Creature Kit here:
Blender Market: https://www.blendermarket.com/products/mechanical-creature-kit
Gumroad: https://polyfjord.gumroad.com/l/mechanical-creature-kit
#b3d #rigging
00:00 My previous workflow
00:28 Adding bones to the rig
02:34 Setting up the IK constraints
03:55 Locking bone axes
05:37 Making more legs
06:28 The benefits of this workflow
06:57 My current workflow
07:57 Cinematic: A six legged creature!
08:15 Rigging a walking hand
10:21 Cinematic: A walking hand!
10:49 The Mechanical Creature Kit
11:21 How to make your own rig for this kit
11:48 Help! Does any one know how to batch parent bones?
12:21 Thanks for watching!
My name is Asbjørn, I'm a digital artist from Norway. My pipeline currently consist primarily of Blender, DaVinci Resolve and Soundly, and I enjoy exploring workflows that use open source, free and/or freemium software. Since the summer of 2021 I've been...