Ilhan Omar’s daughter, Isra Hirsi, boasted about being so ‘hyper-woke’ pals call her ‘the PC Police’
The daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar — kicked out of her college dorm at prestigious $90,000-per-year Barnard last week following her arrest for protesting against Israel — has previously boasted of her pride in being “hyper-woke”.
During a Ted Talk in February 2020, Irsa Hirsi, 21, told the audience she had become known as “token activist, the politically correct (PC) police, and the angry black girl” for “always” speaking up against “something offensive or problematic”. “
“I would say something all the time and kids in my classes used to get super annoyed at me pointing out everything even if it was slightly sexist…but I was proud of it,” she said during the talk she titled “the angry black girl”.
“Eventually people got really annoyed of me being hyper-woke.
“The titles kept coming in and I really claimed the title of being ‘the PC Police’.”
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