How dangerous is public Wi-Fi?
?How dangerous is public Wi-Fi? And how can you protect yourself?
Here are a few ways to help protect yourself ?
Use a VPN: A virtual private network encrypts your data, making it much more difficult for hackers to intercept. Choose a reputable VPN provider with a strong encryption protocol.
Avoid sending sensitive information: If you need to access sensitive information, such as your bank account or online accounts, do so from a secure network, such as your home Wi-Fi.
Be cautious about what you download: Only download files from trusted sources.
Disable file sharing: Turn off file sharing on your device to prevent others from accessing your files.
Keep your software up to date: This will help ensure that you have the latest security patches installed.
Use strong passwords: Use strong, unique passwords for all your online accounts and never share them with anyone.
Tiff In Tech
Tiffany is a software developer who started her career in the modeling & fashion industry.  Tech can be very overwhelming for many at first as she experienced first hand entering into the industry. Tiff saw a gap to help ease people into what tech has to ...