Executive Function Support
Resource teacher and expert advisor for Understood.org Lakrisha Howard shows us which Google accessibility features and tools can support students with executive function challenges. Learn how Google Calendar, Google Keep, smart chips, and other tools can help with planning, prioritizing, and organization.
For more info on the specific tools and features mentioned:
Google Calendar → https://support.google.com/calendar
Google Keep → https://support.google.com/keep
Smart chips → https://support.google.com/docs/smartchips
Building blocks → https://support.google.com/docs/buildingblocks
Quick highlight → https://support.google.com/quickhighlight
Google Workspace for Education → https://edu.google.com/intl/ALL_us/workspace-for-education
Google for Education
Google for Education is about learning for everyone, anywhere. Subscribe to our channel for product news and updates, resources, and ideas. We believe that every student and every educator, in every classroom, deserves the tools and skills that set them...