Godot 4 Crash Course #4 - Adding Meteors
In this Godot 4 tutorial series, you'll learn how to make games easily using Godot 4.
??? Get early access to this entire course now on Net Ninja Pro:
??? Python Crash Course:
on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wdp7smAtqZI&list=PL4cUxeGkcC9goeb7U1FXFdNszWetCmhfB
on Net Ninja Pro - https://netninja.dev/p/python-crash-course
??? Modern JavaScript Tutorial:
??? Godot docs - https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/index.html
Net Ninja
Black-belt your development skills. Tutorials on: - Modern JavaScript (beginner to advanced) - Node.js - React - Vue.js - Firebase - MongoDB - HTML & CSS - Plus loads more......