8 Tips For Improving Your STRINGS | Full Bootcamp Tutorial
Term Starts Feb 5th: https://thinkspace.ac.uk/courses/bootcamp-orchestral-composition/
Orchestral Composition Bootcamp: 8-weeks of tuition, live webinars, and personal feedback on your work from professional orchestral composers.
Curious about how professional orchestrators approach writing for string sections? In this 2-part tutorial taken from our Orchestral Composition Bootcamp course, we discuss techniques for rapidly improving your string parts and taking your arrangement from block piano chords to rich string arrangements!
Orchestral Composition starts February 5th - we look forward to meeting more of you there!
Guy Michelmore
ThinkSpace Education is an online film scoring school providing post-graduate degrees in film, TV and now video games. Our videos provide a fast, fun and effective training for creative people and is only a taster of what we offer in our premium and pos...