Fact-Checking this Viral Bottle Trick
Breaking the bottom out of a glass bottle by hitting the top is a challenging trick, but involves a ton of physics. The explanation is related to cavitation - a process seen in the Mantis Shrimp attack, head injuries and pouring honey!
Creator/Host/Writer: Dianna Cowern
Editor/Videographer: Levi Butner
Research/Writer: A.J. Fillo
Research: Meredith Fore
Slow Motion Cinematography: Darren Dyk
Thanks to Ed Ivory, Hope Butner and Kyle Kitzmiller
Instructional YouTube Video Guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDMcrvjDpCY
Usage: https://phys.org/news/2020-04-pierce.html
Cancer treatment:
Mantis shrimp footage: Maya Devris and YouTube/Deep Look
Shark Footage: Jan Acosta 2010
Propeller footage and animation created and owned by IET Institute for Energy Technology, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Bullet Footage provided by DSG technology
Physics Girl
Physics Girl is a YouTube channel created by Dianna Cowern that adventures into the physical sciences with experiments, demonstrations, and cool new discoveries. Physics Girl has videos for every atom and eve. Mailing address: Physics Girl PO Box 9281 S...