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I know it's been fairly quiet around here for the past month or so.
Not only have I been focusing a lot of my energy on moving Promptalot forward.
I also just needed a break from YouTube after 11 months of non-stop weekly videos.
Believe it or not, it can be quite draining over an extented period of time, especially when the AI space feels like it's moving at lightspeed.
I've made quite a bit of progress on Promptalot in the background, laying a lot of groundwork for expanding its feature set.
You may not notice all of the improvements right now but once things pick up, you'll notice them on the front-end too.
Today, I'm sharing a small update on the most obvious additions over the past few weeks.
First up is the new "Folders" feature which allows you to organize your prompts in a folder-centric view.
You can still just search all of your prompts like you used to but if you like organize things by topics, then folders might be a better option for you.
I've also added some initial support for Midjourney style codes.
If you're looking for an efficient way to keep track of your style tuner codes, you can simply save the prompt to Promptalot and the "Styles" section will help you surface all of the relevant style codes.
You can also discover style codes of other users and use them in your own projects.
Some other improvement include a revamped "Features Request" section that allows for more targeted prioritization.
And you can expect significant changes and improvements to individual prompt pages over the coming weeks.

⏰ Timestamps ⏰
00:00 Promptalot Update
00:24 Prompt Folders
06:40 Styles
10:39 Feature Requests
12:15 New Image Hierarchy
#midjourney #midjourneyv5 #promptalot #chromeextension #aitools
Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Tokenized AI covers the fascinating new world of AI tools that help us become more productive at work and in our daily lives. Whether it's AI-generated artwork using text-to-image models or AI writers that create compelling copy, Tokenized AI covers it al...