As Simple As That | Simplilearn Podcast | Asfar Hameed’s Inspiring Story
As Simple As That is a video podcast series by Simplilearn, where our top leaders will be chatting with learners, industry giants, impact-creators and anyone who has insights to share. Behind all the successes, failures, breakthroughs, and journeys, there are simple thoughts, ideas and insights, from which all of us can definitely learn something. Yes, it’s as simple as that.
In this episode, Krishna will be chatting up with Simplilearn Learner Mohamed Asfar Hameed, who has a very interesting story to share.
Asfar, who hails from Chennai, has some unique facets in his journey so far: his education in aerospace engineering, a 2-year stint in aviation security, then a newfound interest in crypto trading, and finally the taking off of his business ambitions.
Throughout all these transitions, one thing was constant—Asfar’s hunger for learning. He dedicated a majority of his energies to learning and upskilling at important junctions of his career.
Asfar has the traits of an eternal learner, and still says that he wants to keep leveling up. Catch the full story in the video!
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