How Do Cities Manage Stormwater?
Rainwater and cities aren't always a good mix, but they can be!
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Just like cities represent a colossal alteration of the landscape and thus the natural water cycle, we’re also going through a colossal shift in how we think about rainfall and stormwater and how we value the processes of natural watersheds. Look carefully as you travel through your city and you’ll notice all the different pieces and parts of infrastructure that help manage water during storm events.
Writing/Editing/Production: Grady Hillhouse
Editing and Direction Help: Wesley Crump
This video is sponsored by CuriosityStream and Nebula.
Practical Engineering
Grady Hillhouse is a professional civil engineer and hobbyist everything else in San Antonio, Texas. Randall Munroe said, "You can look at practically any part of anything manmade around you and think, Some engineer was frustrated while designing this. I...