Unboxing the Festival - Brought to you by Hyundai Motor Company
EPISODE 6: Ars Electronica
PART 2: Unboxing the Festival | Skip Intro | 00:18
The digital revolution is having a midlife crisis. This fascinating idea is at the heart of Ars Electronica as it celebrates its 40th anniversary edition. ‘Out of the box’ is the title for this year, and this comes to life through the work of over 1000 artists and collectives that are on display. We meet directors Martin Honzik, Gerfried Stocker and Horst Hortner as well as artists including Ai Hasegawa, Sarah Jarvis, Vladan Joler, Jen Keane, Sarah Petkus, Spela Petric and Igor Simic explore how technology could help humanity surpass its own limitations through conscious collaboration.
00:18 | The Midlife Crisis of the Digital Revolution
00:30 | Culture of Collaboration in Media Arts
01:00 | Sarah Petkus, Artist
01:58 | Golf Club Wasteland by Igor Simic
02:36 | Spela Petric, Artist
Art+Technology is brought to you by Bloomberg Media Group and Hyundai Motor Company.
Music produced by Chagall using Mi.Mu Gloves
Art and Technology
ART + TECHNOLOGY reveals a new art revolution pioneered by talented individuals from around the world who have fused the realms of art with today’s breakthrough technologies. In its second season, ART + TECHNOLOGY examines diverse and exciting new works o...