Season 3 Ep 6 - Part 3: Machine Dreams
EPISODE 6: Control
PART 3: CONTROL | Machine Dreams
We ask how technology and art will redefine control in the next 50 years. We're standing on the brink of a second big leap in technological advancement: Quantum Computing may finally allow machines to make their own decisions and structure their own learning whilst creating a truly all-encompassing experience of AI. Experts Lev Manovich @manovich and Lynn Hershman Leeson @lynnhershmanleeson comment on control over technology and data, joining our vanguard artists in presenting a speculative future in which machine learning contributes to the humane values of compassion, creativity and liberation.
Art and Technology
ART + TECHNOLOGY reveals a new art revolution pioneered by talented individuals from around the world who have fused the realms of art with today’s breakthrough technologies. In its second season, ART + TECHNOLOGY examines diverse and exciting new works o...