CSSI-HBCU is a residential, all-expenses paid 3-week Google program hosted at select Historically Black Colleges & Universities (HBCUs) in the US. The program is open for pre-college student applicants within North America who are attending one of the nation’s 101 HBCUs worldwide and interested in majoring in Computer Science. We do this to deepen Google’s commitment to long-term HBCU engagement and increase the retention rate of students from HBCUs graduating with Computer Science degrees. We promote equitable representation in tech by connecting incoming HBCU students with like-minded peers, Google engineers, CS professors, HBCU alum in CS, and Black technologists in the local tech ecosystem. Students cultivate an unparalleled community to support them in their journey to and through university, internships, and full-time opportunities at Google and in tech.
Learn more & apply at g.co/cssi