The Modern JavaScript Bootcamp - 2 Hour Course Preview
Lessons included in preview:
0:35 - Welcome to the Class
7:22 - Grab the PDF Guide
8:39 - Section Intro
9:33 - Installing Visual Studio Code
14:58 - Installing Node.js
17:42 - Install Cmder (Windows Only)
19:56 - Introduction to the Command Line
27:48 - Hello JavaScript
33:20 - Section Intro
34:20 - Strings and Variables
50:24 - Numbers
1:04:05 - More on Variables
1:10:14 - Build a Temperature Converter
1:16:26 - Booleans and Comparison Operators
1:29:54 - If Statements
1:40:12 - Advanced If Statements
1:52:13 - Logical "And" and "Or" Operators
2:07:07 - Variable Scope: Part I
2:17:45 - Variable Scope: Part II
2:27:59 - Section Intro
2:29:28 - Function Basics