The Complete React Web Developer Course - 2 Hour Course Preview
Lessons included in preview:
0:36 - Welcome to the Class
2:51 - Why React?
6:07 - Section Intro
6:35 - Installing Visual Studio Code
8:10 - Installing Node.js & Yarn
12:35 - Section Intro
13:50 - Setting up a Web Server
25:51 - Hello React
44:29 - Setting up Babel
1:01:55 - Exploring JSX
1:16:39 - JSX Expressions
1:26:59 - Conditional Rendering in JSX
1:49:34 - ES6 Aside: const and let
2:06:04 - ES6 Aside : Arrow Functions: Part I
2:18:40 - ES6 Aside : Arrow Functions: Part II
2:38:37 - Events and Attributes