Debugging speculative navigations for faster page loads #DevToolsTips
Jecelyn teams up with Barry again to talk about the new Speculation Rules API which can be used to prefetch and prerender future page navigations to greatly improve page load speed! Learn how DevTools can help you debug your speculation rules, switch renderer, and live trace prerender status’s.
0:00 Intro
0:39 A glance of the speculation rules
1:08 Debug speculative loads tabs in DevTools
1:59 Switching renderer in DevTools
2:45 Predict the next actions
3:35 Configure speculation rules to prerender next page on hover
4:01 Live trace prerender status in DevTools
4:46 Learn more
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#DevToolsTips #ChromeForDevelopers #Chrome
Speaker: Jecelyn Yeen, Barry Pollard;
Products Mentioned: Chome;
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