COUGAR: This Mountain Predator is not Afraid of Even the Grizzlies and Wolves
Due to its wide range, it has many names, including puma, mountain lion, catamount, panther and painter, Cougar. Catamount, Ghost Cat, Puma, Shadow Cat
PUMA is an amazingly beautiful and graceful predator.
What helps a predator survive in the most difficult conditions? Versatility, sharp claws, long teeth, speed and sharp reflexes allow him to expand its prey list from rodents to large ungulates. Caution. The surrounding world is full of dangers, but dexterity, reaction and a huge will to live will help him cope with very difficult trials. Fearlessness. When it comes to the most important thing, even an incredibly strong and dangerous opponent will not force him to retreat. Hello friends! The hero of today's video is an amazingly beautiful and graceful predator. This is a cougar. Let's start.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the animal leads in the number of names among all mammals. The number of options is more than 40 only in English, and the most famous of them are the cougar, the mountain lion or the puma familiar to us. The cougar is the fourth largest feline behind the tiger, lion and jaguar, but he is not classified as a subfamily of big cats due to morphological features. The body length of an adult animal ranges from 100 to 180 centimeters, excluding the tail, the length of which can exceed 70 centimeters. The average weight of a male is about 70 kilograms. Females are more modest in size and weigh 55 kilograms
PUMA is an amazingly beautiful and graceful predator.
What helps a predator survive in the most difficult conditions? Versatility, sharp claws, long teeth, speed and sharp reflexes allow him to expand its prey list from rodents to large ungulates. Caution. The surrounding world is full of dangers, but dexterity, reaction and a huge will to live will help him cope with very difficult trials. Fearlessness. When it comes to the most important thing, even an incredibly strong and dangerous opponent will not force him to retreat. Hello friends! The hero of today's video is an amazingly beautiful and graceful predator. This is a cougar. Let's start.
According to the Guinness Book of Records, the animal leads in the number of names among all mammals. The number of options is more than 40 only in English, and the most famous of them are the cougar, the mountain lion or the puma familiar to us. The cougar is the fourth largest feline behind the tiger, lion and jaguar, but he is not classified as a subfamily of big cats due to morphological features. The body length of an adult animal ranges from 100 to 180 centimeters, excluding the tail, the length of which can exceed 70 centimeters. The average weight of a male is about 70 kilograms. Females are more modest in size and weigh 55 kilograms
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