MEERKAT — Fearless and Aggressive relative of the Mongoose
How can a small and defenseless animal survive in the desert among large and aggressive predators? It's enough for him to be a professional digger, not to lose vigilance and remember that the most important thing is to be part of the team. The hero of today's video is a fast, dexterous and very organized predator who is not afraid of the most dangerous snakes, eats poisonous scorpions and participates in clan wars.
Meerkats are small predatory animals of the mongoose family that inhabit the desert and open lands of southern Africa. Animals are modest in size. His body length does not exceed 35 centimeters. His weight is about 700 grams. Thick orange-brown fur hides a slender body, and a long tail, reaching 25 centimeters, allows him to easily balance, including standing on its hind legs. Dark circles protect the eyes from the bright sun by absorbing excess light. Meerkats are very social animals that live in colonies of several families. The total number is usually in the range of 20-30 individuals, at the head of which is always the female, which is stronger and larger than the dominant male.
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