‘Oatzempic challenge’ helped dieters lose 40 pounds in 2 months, they claim — doctors weigh in
Those in pursuit of a drop-fat-fast hack, but just can’t seem to get their hands on the ever-modish, ever-costly Ozempic shots are turning to their pantries to craft a DIY diet drink that’s said to trigger oat-of-this-world weight loss result. NY Post reporter Asia Grace shares this story.
“[Having] the Oatzempic drink to lose 40 pounds in two months?” exclaimed content creator Rénita while preparing the concoction for TikTok audiences.
“Do I think it’s possible? Yes,” confirmed the brunette — who kicked off her weight loss journey with the cocktail as her tool, weighing in at 176 pounds. She claims she’s since lost four pounds in five days.
“I feel soooo good,” Rénita penned in the caption of her progress post. “Energy level is high, mood is great.”
And digital dieters everywhere are, too, drinking themselves slim — well, sort of.
Read more at https://nypost.com/2024/03/27/lifestyle/tiktokers-try-to-lose-40-pounds-in-two-months-on-oatzempic/
#weightloss #oatzempic #oats #lifestyle
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