EAGLES Are the DEADLIEST Hunters in the World
This is HOW EAGLES HUNT - The Best Of Eagle Attacks
Birds of prey are among the most successful and diverse hunters on the planet. Thanks to their ability to fly, they have adapted to some of the most unusual habitats and learned to hunt almost any type of prey, from insects to large mammals. The focus of today’s video is one of the largest and most dangerous predatory birds, known for regularly attacking prey several times its own size and posing a real threat even to humans.
Birds of prey are among the most successful and diverse hunters on the planet. Thanks to their ability to fly, they have adapted to some of the most unusual habitats and learned to hunt almost any type of prey, from insects to large mammals. The focus of today’s video is one of the largest and most dangerous predatory birds, known for regularly attacking prey several times its own size and posing a real threat even to humans.
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