The Best 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Combinations #shorts
There's not much to simple combinations with no replacement... if we take the 10 digits from 0 to 9, we can arrange them nearly 4 MILLION ways by using 10!. When we take the subset of squared digits that result in a unique combination of those 10 digits? Now we're down to just 87 numbers n, all of which contain 5 digits.
You could find them all by hand, calculating every squared whole number until you got a value larger than 10 digits (and don't forget, all of them need to be unique), but over 50 years ago the IBM 1620 used its 1,200+ pound frame to work it all out. Do it by hand. What else do you have to do?
#maths #shorts #mathematics
Welcome to the official Vsauce2 YouTube channel! Hosted by Kevin Lieber, Vsauce2 explores recreational mathematics including, paradoxes, math games, riddles and more to uncover the surprising complexity beneath seemingly simple concepts. Vsauce2 launched...