Snowball Prime Numbers #shorts
If we count 1 as a prime digit, you can start with 1, 2, 3, 5, or 7 and build Snowball Primes -- prime numbers that remain prime each time you add another digit. Start with 3? Add a 1, still prime. Start with 7? Add a 3, still prime. 73, add a 1? 731 -- STILL PRIME.
In just a few hours, you can build the entire roster of Snowball Primes up to 8 digits by hand. DO IT. Why not? This is recreational math. Your parents will be proud of you.
#vsauce #maths #education
Welcome to the official Vsauce2 YouTube channel! Hosted by Kevin Lieber, Vsauce2 explores recreational mathematics including, paradoxes, math games, riddles and more to uncover the surprising complexity beneath seemingly simple concepts. Vsauce2 launched...