Oscar Pistorius ‘too toxic’ to get job, sweeping church floors after release from prison
Oscar Pistorius, the double-amputee Olympian who killed his model girlfriend inside their home in 2013, is holed up at his uncle’s luxurious three-story mansion — and has been ostracized by his former pals since he was released from prison last January.
Pistorius reached out to at least two members of the International Paralympic Committee after his release, asking if they could work together in any capacity. He was quickly rebuffed.
“He’s too toxic to work with now,” one of the members tells The Post. “There’s nothing for him here.”
Read more at https://nypost.com/2024/04/10/world-news/oscar-pistorius-sweeping-church-floors-after-prison-release-sources/
#oscarpistorious #southafrica #crime
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