87. Authenticity
Episode 87. Authenticity
Time to be real! In episode 87 of Overthink, Ellie and David go back and forth about authenticity. They explore its deep roots in existentialist philosophy and Romanticism, and grapple with the paradoxes of being authentic in the era of reality TV, social media, and friendly-branded megacorps. They dive into philosophical critiques of authenticity, and explore how Heidegger’s writings on “Eigentlichkeit” (often translated as “authenticity” or “actuality”) stand up today. Is authenticity the same thing as sincerity? Can you be authentic and insincere, or sincere and inauthentic? Who do we try to be authentic for: ourselves or other people? And might drag queens be the greatest example of postmodern authenticity?
Works Discussed
Taylor Carman, Heidegger’s Analytic
Sky Cleary, How to Be Authentic
Brit Dawson, “Buying and selling authenticity: a decade of reality TV”
Alessandro Ferrara, The Critique of Authenticity
Martin Heidegger, Being and Time
Hans-Georg Moeller and Paul D’Ambrosio, You and Your Profile
Lionel Trilling, Sincerity and Authenticity
Charles Taylor, The Ethics of Authenticity
Drag Race Spain S2
The Bachelor
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Overthink Podcast
Overthink is a philosophy podcast featuring fresh takes on perennial themes. Hosted by professors Dr. Ellie Anderson (Pomona College) and Dr. David Peña-Guzmán (San Francisco State University), each episode does a deep dive explaining a key concept throug...