Wild footage shows ‘unruly’ migrant mob scuffling with NY cops at hotel shelter
Newly released police bodycam footage captures the moment cops in Yonkers are forced to scuffle with a group of rowdy migrants at a local hotel packed with asylum seekers.
Police busted two people during the Tuesday afternoon melee at a local Ramada Inn — but not before they were surrounded and berated in Spanish by an unruly migrant mob, the footage shows.
Cops were called to the hotel shortly before 1 p.m. on reports of an out-of-control guest.
“The guy is over here unruly,” a Ramada employee said during a 911 call. “He’s being very violent with everybody. He’s throwing stuff at everybody. We need somebody here right away.”
Read more athttps://nypost.com/2024/04/11/us-news/wild-footage-shows-unruly-migrant-mob-scuffling-with-ny-cops-at-shelter/
#migrants #nypd #nyc
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