“THAN” or “THEN”?
THAN and THEN, THEN and THAN: Which one is which? Just one little letter, but it completely changes the meaning. One relates to time and sequence and the other is used to compare. Autocorrect on your phone won’t help you get this right – in fact it might trick you into making a mistake, so it’s up to you to know the correct word to use. In this lesson I’ll clarify the difference between these two important words, and give you a short test to help you practise using them. And of course there’s a quiz too, over on www.engvid.com , so do give it a try and test out your knowledge! https://www.engvid.com/than-or-then/
Keep going with more of my basic English lessons!
MAY or MIGHT? https://youtu.be/YND9m8q3TJ8
Easy English Lesson: Should you use "A" or "AN"? https://youtu.be/1zFF7tXmfR0
In this lesson:
00:00 THAN or THEN? What's the difference?
00:33 THAN & THEN: Difference in sound
01:09 When to use 'than'
02:04 When to use 'then'
03:26 Test Yourself: "than" or "then"?
06:28 Conclusion
Learn English with Gill · engVid
Simple and easy English lessons for all levels! Hi! My name is Gill, and I'm based in London, UK. I've been teaching for 25 years. I've been lucky to have had some inspirational English teachers in my life, and I love to pass my enthusiasm for the subjec...