Improve Your Vocabulary Easily: Add “-NESS”!
How to achieve happiness: Here is a quick and easy way to increase your vocabulary – just add “-ness” to the end of an adjective to turn it into a noun! It works with a lot of adjectives, including visual descriptions and feelings. In this English vocabulary lesson, I’ll give you a few examples, and I’ll explain how you can use them in a sentence. Goodness me, what a useful lesson!
Learn more easy English vocabulary:
Shapes & Patterns
"How are you feeling?"
In this lesson:
0:00 Improve Your Vocabulary with "-NESS"
2:04 goodness
2:53 richness
3:18 sickness
3:36 heaviness
4:07 lightness
4:20 dizziness
4:56 likeness
6:18 laziness
6:45 shyness
7:17 happiness
Learn English with Gill · engVid
Simple and easy English lessons for all levels! Hi! My name is Gill, and I'm based in London, UK. I've been teaching for 25 years. I've been lucky to have had some inspirational English teachers in my life, and I love to pass my enthusiasm for the subjec...