What’s the difference between DIRECT and INDIRECT/REPORTED speech? In this grammar lesson, you will learn how these types of sentences are constructed, with lots of examples to illustrate. I’ll also show how there is usually a difference of verb tense between the two. Both forms are used in everyday life, in speaking and in writing, so it’s well worth getting to know how they work. And after watching the video, you can double-check your understanding by trying the quiz over on https://www.engvid.com/learn-english-grammar-direct-indirect-reported-speech/
Watch more of my English grammar lessons:
The 4 Conditionals https://youtu.be/veTo6eWJQrM
Active & Passive - What's the difference? https://youtu.be/fDnXWxXZekw
In this lesson:
0:00 What is indirect/reported speech?
1:18 Reported Speech: Examples
10:06 Reported Speech: Tense Changes
12:45 Reported Speech: Modal Changes
Learn English with Gill · engVid
Simple and easy English lessons for all levels! Hi! My name is Gill, and I'm based in London, UK. I've been teaching for 25 years. I've been lucky to have had some inspirational English teachers in my life, and I love to pass my enthusiasm for the subjec...